Thursday 29 March 2012

Carp at last

Went to the club water for 24hours in search of a chunk or two, fair few people on the lake even being mid week. Wanted to go in a certain swim after looking around and seeing a few fish but someone was already in it. Settled for a swim that allowed me to cover a expanse of water on a floating platform. With the rods out on the spot i was confident of picking a fish or two up. Early part of the night saw my bobbin pull tight to the alarm thought it was a bream take hit into it, the rod arched over with a fish on.. few solid thumps later and the fish come off. Not a good start.
Morning come around with still no fish in the net.. Noticed one or two patrolling around a nearby snag, but the fsh seemed to be spooking when they got near my bait, a little adjustment later and it saw the rod ripping around with a fish on. A pretty savage battle from making sure the fish didnt go in the snag and pulled a carp into the net. She weighed 23lb 15oz.. At last a carp on the bank! Only problem is my camera had run out of battery so only had enough juice to get 1 quick photo in.

Here she is

Hope that luck continues next time i get out carping!

Sunday 11 March 2012

Beating the blank

So went with Paul to emperor lakes for 24hours, first time fishing it and we blanked. But with it being a sunny sunday we decided to use the afternoon up Pike fishing at the local. First swim casting the lures out didnt produce anything, so we walked along the bank abit, waded out and continued fanning the lures out in the swim, next thing a small tap on the rod tip and fish on. A short fight later and a 14lb Pike on the bank.. except.. in the process of putting the fish on the bank i trod onto a short sharp reed and it put a hole right through the sole of my waders.. Not happy at all! as if a reed stem can poke its way through the sole of a boot!!

After continueing fishing I ended up having another Pike around the 5-6lb mark, Then bumped into other friends Rich and Chris who were also Lure fishing. Rich was off the Mark and already had 1 roughly the same size as my latter fish, but while fishing with them Rich managed to get himself a few more fish toped with a 8lb 13oz?? pike, well done mate! To cut a long story short it was a beauty of an evening with not a breath of wind on the lake and the sunset creating an image itself and I ended up loosing a fish not far from the end of the session.